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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Google Desktop

Google Desktop is a desktop search application that helps you to search several information from your Desktop and Web Pages, such as; e-mail, Word, Calendar, Chats, Web history, PowerPoint, PDF, and etc. Google sidebar is available once you installed Google Desktop Plug-ins. From Google sidebar, you use see useful gadgets, such as; Clock, News, Scratch Pad and more.

Search Box will pop-up when you pressed “Ctrl” button twice. From search option you can choose the default action. The Indexing of your email, files and web history occurs only when your computer is idle for more than 30 seconds. The indexing make sure the search result is up to date by updating your new files or email. But before indexing your email, you have to set your Google Mail account at Preferences. You also can find your deleted files. Google desktop creates cached copies of your files and other items every time you view them, and stores these copies on your storage media.

As mentioned earlier, you are able to use Google sidebar when you installed Google Dekstop plug-ins. There are many useful gadgets available. You are able to personalize the placing of Google Gadgets itself. You can add new gadgets beside recommended gadgets into your Google sidebar. Beside Google sidebar, there are Deskbar and Floating Deskbar available. Deskbar and Floating Deskbar are using small search box which you can place it above of your windows.

Outlook Integration and Lock search are some of the additional Features. Just like Deskbar, you are able to add a toolbar into your Outlook to make your Outlook email more convenient by providing quick search. To prevent anyone anonymously doing Desktop search on your computer, Loch Search can be enabled. By enabling Lock Search, search from Desktop page, Google sidebar , or Deskbar are not available anymore. To unlock Desktop Search, you have to key in your windows password.

Source link:
Google.com, [online]

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The power of Google Technology by using mobile

Link to us : http://sn.im/google-mobile

What is the benefit of using mobile Google Technology?
Google offers a technology that enable to build-in the world-class mobile application. Whether we are like to build apps, allow the users to share their update on-the-go, monetize and track application activity, integrate Google Apps, or simply build and host a mobile back-end, Google has built-in APIs and tools that can make we to get started.

  • Advertising and analytics
Now we can use the power of Google's advertising network to transfer the advertising to every users, and Google also provide rich content for free. After an analysis on the users interaction using Google mobile application, we can determine how/where to allocate development resources, we can forward the mobile ecosystem by monetizing the application with ads. Also collect the usage of the use that spend the most of the time, and what the section of the application the users enjoy it the most.
  • Location (GPS)
Most of the users carries their mobile device almost everywhere they go. By improving their experience with the Google application, Google offers GPS system for mobile users and make it easy for the user to integrate these piece with data source available on the web to deliver the Geo-centric.
  • Google APIs
On the mobile, Google allow users to interact with various Google products to view their records, uploading video to Media site, adding or updating the calendar or the event and using the Google data client libraries for JAVA, JavaScript, and Objective-C.
  • Hosting Tools
Google also provides cloud storage for the mobile. Now nearly all mobile application needs a back-end to serve users and push the content data to the cloud storage.
  • Social
This application enables user to post/update their video, and photos or to share their daily activities via their favourite social networks.

Chris Crum, WebProNew, [online], 17 August 2010
WordPress, [online], 6 October 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What do you think about Google targeted search result compared to other search engine?

 Link to us : http://sn.im/analysispoll
The poll topic for today is - (What do you think about Google targeted search result compared to other search engine?). In this post, we will discuss more about targeted search result of Google compare to other popular search engine which is the same version as Google search engine (Web 2.0). Targeted search result means a result which display only the specific keyword entered by the users by removing those unwanted/irrelevant search result. Below is and image of the poll result we have collected since last week.
Link to image: Analysis(image)

Our poll question: What do you think about Google targeted search result compared to other search engine?
A) Relevant - 61% (37 out of 61 votes)
B) Accurate - 25% (15 out of 61 votes)
C) Well-organize interface - 2% (1 our of 61 votes)
D) Detail - 13% (8 out of 61 votes)

First i would like to give thousand appreciation to the voters for spending their time to read and vote for our polls. This week, we have received quite a large amount of votes - 61 votes!! To make a targeted search (also known as close-ended searching methods) , you can choose from an option beside Google search box - (advance search) to start typing for the keyword and the exact word or phrase so that the result will show only the desire search result. A user may also choose from using boolean connectors such as (AND, OR, NOT and quotation) or mathematical operators ( + , -) to search for a specific keyword.

Many of us agree with the answer - "relevant" which is the most, 61% of the total votes. This is because when a keyword is entered, using advance search or boolean and mathematical operator, Google will send their "spiderings" to search for the result and then the result are than filtered/refined by the specific keyword/phrase using targeted method entered by user to show only the best and relevant article related to the keyword. The page ranking displayed will be determined by using Page-rank technology.

25% of the voters choose accurate for the poll. However, i'm not truly agree with this point - "accurate'.As we can see, although the result shown by Google search engine may be relevant, it will still display some unnecessary result because we can't filter all non-specific pages. Google uses automated "spidering" to search for the most exact result unlike the human search engine which uses human being to search manually for the result. Hence, the page cannot be as accurate as what a user is searching for.

Another 2% goes to "Well-organize interface", which is a point i strongly disagree with. Unlike other search engine, such as "Ask.com", "Dogpile" and many more which has other interface function either on the right hand side or top of the page such as recommended search result, best search result and related result of the keyword. Google on the other hand only display the search result and rank which one will be on the top (sometimes sponsored link). However  Google does have a user-friendly interface because the background and the function is simple, handy and easy to use. There's also a total of 13% vote for "detail". Search result by Google search engine is quite detail, and it cover the scope of the result given.

Is there any other doubt on my analysis of this poll? Or anyone have a different opinion from what i have said, kindly voice up in the comment box.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Google Teknologi (Podcast)


Hi, para saudara- saudari pembaca blogger, nama saya jimmy. Dalam rekaman ini saya akan menjelaskan tengtang google teknologi. Saat ini, Google adalah salah satu mesin pencari paling kuat di internet. Google didefinisikan oleh co-pendiri Lary Page dan Sergey Brin, penggabungan sejak 4 September 1998.
Teknologi pencarian Google menggunakan perangkat lunak untuk melakukan serangkaian kalkulasi secara simultan hanya membutuhkan sepersekian detik saja. Teknologi PageRank sedang mempertimbangkan lebih dari 500 juta variabel dan 2 miliar istilah. Teknologi pencarian Google yang digunakan lebih dari 200 sinyal termasuk teknologi PageRank untuk menguji seluruh struktur link di web dan menampilkan halaman yang paling penting yang menerima PageRank yang lebih tinggi. Hypertext-Matching analisis yang digunakan untuk menganalisis konten halaman penuh dan faktor berupa font, subdivisi, dan lokasi yang sesungguhnya dari setiap kata halaman. Dengan menggabungkan keseluruhan pentingnya dan relevansi pencarian yang spesifik, teknologi pencarian Google mampu menunjukkan hasil yang paling relevan dan dapat dipercaya pada hasil pertama.
Sekian, terima kasih.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

到底 Google 是不是网2.0程式? (Podcast)

Link to us : http://sn.im/poadcastchinese

Harlo...大家好,我是江来自 INTI 学院就读信息技术。我翻译这篇文章的目的是要让那些不是很会英语的更了解这篇文章。-(到底 谷歌 是不是网2.0程式?)我怀疑很多人不大熟悉这个网2.0程式。 从我的角度来看,谷歌的确是网2.0程式。应为谷歌 是在线服务,不是配套软件,而且还提供了24小时的在线服务。 谷歌 也用集体各种智慧来反映了网2.0程式的特征。用者可以通过集体各种智慧来收集各种不同的资料。除此之外网2.0 程式也提供互式图形用户界面,附加图形,文字,影片和颜色。比起以前的版本完全不一。网1.0只限附加颜色和文字。

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Google PageRank(Podcast)


今天我要和大家说一说Google Technology 里面的 Google PageRank 是什么来的,和 Google PageRank的计算方法。Google PageRank 是一个用来计算自己网页重要性的选票。Google用 Google PageRank是来决定一个搜索页的排名。

PageRank A = (1-d) + d(PageRank (t1) / (C*t1) + 其他的PageRank。 其他的PageRank做法和前面已样, 就是 d(PageRank (t1) / (C*t1) 。 加到最后,就是加多一个 PageRank(tn) / C(tn)。

t1 和 tn 是每个网页的链接去 A的网页。 C是出站链接数量, d 多数人会放 0.85。
明不明白吗?如果在不明白的话,那我就说说最简单的方法来算 Google PageRank .

Pagerank A = 0.15 + 0.85 * 每个网页的链接去 PageRank A次数.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Google Docs

The new version of Google Docs sports considerable collaboration tools, as well as improved editing and formatting, a faster, more useful spreadsheet and new collaborative drawing software.

Google Docs is an online word processor. Using Google Docs, users are able to create Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, Drawing, and Folder. Google Docs is good enough for uncomplicated documents and worksheets. Google Docs has the built-in security and reliability risks of all cloud-based services. Some common features like auto-saving, spell checking, and word count are available. Unlike Microsoft Word Office, Google Docs is not supporting advanced features such as page headers and footers. Users are able to upload their files Users can upload their files up to 1024 MB in many file formats, such as, DOC, XLS, ODT, ODS, RTF, CSV, PPT, etc. Users can share their documents with anyone they want to share. Users only have to enter email addresses to send them an invitation. Invited persons are able to edit or view the shared document, spreadsheet or presentation..Users can organize their Documents using Drag and drop method into folders.

Sources link:
Google.com, [online], 2010
Google.com, [online], 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Google Bugs

Link to us: http://sn.im/googlebugs
On the first half year of 2010, Google said that a recent report claims that it does not patch one of the serious mistake in its one-third of the Google software error fact.
IBM's X-Force security force, acknowledged the error and has the issued revised chart showing the Google patch vulnerabilities as "high" or "critical" and it is on online services.
At Google, Adam Mein- a security program manager, was asked the question: " Is the weakness on the Google response to record and the number of surprising discoveries. Adam Mein has a discussions with IBM and they found many mistakes. So that two significant revelation as the conclusion of the report.
From the X-Force report, 9% of the Google error revealed that the first 2010 is unpatched and another 33% of the vulnerabilities were classified as high or critical and cannot fixed in the first half year of 2010.
Under the revised table from IBM, Google release all the patch is to fix the vulnerability on the first six month 2010.
When they released their trend report. Tom Cross and the X-Force researchers said that they get many feedback from the two software, the remedy information and the vendors regarding the severity for some of the vulnerabilites behind the Google. And because of the feedback, their manually re-evaluate their remedy information, CVSS score and suppliers vulnebility affects each chart of the percentage of Google.
Sun Microsystems, the number has changed dramatically, although the Cross is not the name of the other vendors about the result complained about the repair of Google. If the original table has the Sun letting 9% of the most serious flaw and 24% of Google bugs is not fixed. Re-calculated the figure were 8% and 0%, respectively.
This year in April, Oracle announced plans to acquire Sun for 7.4 billion. X-Force listed two companies were vulnerability separately.
When the X-Force re-examinated the date, the percentage of the unpatched decreased for other vendors, including the Microsoft and Mozilla, as catch all unpatched percentage of Linux category.
Adam Mein said that X-Force assertion that one in three critical vulnerability not yet patched or fixed.
After the investigation, they learned that 33% of the number refers to an unpatched vulnerability out a total of three.. As an important lesson, a project was considered the only unpatched security vulnerability is due to a mistaken terminology mix-up said by Adam Mein.
X-Force's also has it weaknesses counting and calculated the number of problems. In the report, the company admits, which uses the method of preparation of the 2009 version has flaws, saying that it has solved the problems. The results will be more accurately report on the mid 2010.
Cross said that the X-Force would release a revised report on this week.

source :
Gregg Keizer, computer world ,[online], 31 August 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What do you think of Google Chrome created by Google INC compared to other browser??

Link to us: http://sn.im/pollresult
The poll topic for today is - "What do you think of Google Chrome created by Google INC compared with other browsers?" In this post, we will be analyzing Google Chrome browser as compared with other popular web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Opera. Below is an image illustrating the result of the poll we have collected since last week.

Our poll question: "What do you think of Google Chrome created by Google INC compared with other browsers?"
A) The best of all - 25% (2 out of 8 votes)
B) Fastest for now - 75% (6 out of 8 votes)
C) Slow - 0%
D Disappointing

About a web browser
Before we start analyzing deeper into our poll result, do you know what actually is a web browser? I will start by giving some brief explanations about the meaning of a web browser. A web browser is arguably the most important piece of software on our computer which allows us to browse, search and view different types of informative information, breaking news/happenings around the globe, audio and even shocking video footages available online. However, a web browser is just a piece of junk when there is no Internet connection available.
A web browser should have the following features:
> Status Bar: This is the box at the bottom of your browser window. The Status Bar displays all sorts of information, depending on what you're doing at the time, but mostly it's for showing load speed and the URL of whatever address your mouse is hovering over.
> Address Bar: This is the box at the top of your browser window that displays the entire URL, or Web site address.
> Title Bar: The Title Bar is at the very top of your browser window; in both Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer it is the blue bar at the top of the browser window.
> Toolbar Icons: The Toolbar and its icons are at the top of your browser window right underneath the title bar. This is where you'll see the Back button, the Home button, the Refresh button, etc.
> Display Window: The Display Window is just a fancy term for your browser work space; it's the frame through which you see this website right now.
> Scroll Bars: If you've ever been to a website that you had to "scroll down" to read something, then you've used the Scroll Bars. They're just navigational/directional aids.

The following is a video for better "Web browser" understanding

What is a "Web browser"

According to our poll, most of the voters voted for (b) - The fastest for now (6 out of 7 votes) which means Google Chrome satisfies most of the users in terms of speed. The main reason users switched from other browsers to Google Chrome when it was first released was the speed of the browser. Chrome launches from your desktop within seconds when you double-click the Chrome icon, compared with other browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer which often leaves users impatient. Mozilla Firefox loses out to Chrome by just a few seconds which is a huge matter when it comes to comparing the speed among different browsers.

There is just 1 vote for (a) - The best for now. Why choose Google Chrome? Google Chrome comes with simplicity which looks neat, clean and is easy to use. It is mainly designed for efficiency and ease of use. For example, you can search and navigate from the same box and arrange tabs in an order according to your wish quickly and easily. Google Chrome also has the most up-to-date security features. Google Chrome includes features to help protect you and your computer from malicious websites as you browse the web by using technologies called safe browsing (shows warning message when you visit a site which is suspicious and suspected of containing malware and phishing), sandboxing (which adds another layer of security of protection and prevent malware from installing itself on your computer) and auto-update which check for essential update regularly to make sure that you are protected by the latest security update. Due to the fact that Microsoft Internet Explorer is the default browser on every personal computer, it has the most security leaks and exploits which will allow users' computers to be compromised when strict precautions are not taken. There are also some unique features in Google Chrome which are not available in other browsers:

1) Super clean contextual menus

-- The number only comes down to four when you right-click on any image on the browsers.

2) Search your favorite website from the Address Bar
– Chrome will automatically recognize and add that search engine for you so the next time you can perform a search on that site via the Chrome Address Bar itself.

3) Re-open web sites that you close by mistake

4) Task-manager for website
- This will give you an idea about how much physical memory is consumed by different websites and if any particular page is causing your system to crawl, you can do an "end process" to close that tab directly from Task Manager.

I am not totally surprised that there's zero vote for "slow and disappointing" for Google Chrome because I am also an avid users of Google Chrome browser. However, I am not here to promote Google Chrome and we have individual opinions and reasons for choosing which web browser to use. Different web browsers suit different persons, it's up to you to choose the browser which suits your taste.

Do you agree with me that Google Chrome is the best browser? Please comment.

Google.com, [online], 2010
Digital Inspiration ,[online], march 08 2008
Wendy Boswell, about.com, [online], 2010
Google.com, [online], 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Earn Money Using Google AdSense

Nowadays, Google AdSense is one of methods can be used by website publishers to earn money. The meaning of Google AdSense itself is a serving application which is Developed by Google Inc. How to earn money using Google AdSense ? Website Publishers get paid for displaying Google ads on their content pages. Publishers have to sign up before using it. After publishers get his or her new account, they will get HTML code to insert into their webpage. They are many type of products and features, such as, AdSense for content, AdSense for search, AdSense for mobile content, AdSense for feeds, AdSense for video, AdSense for domains.

Using AdSense for search publishers can place a search box to their website. Publishers are able to customize their search box and monetize the search results pages with targeted ads. Publishers can receive earnings for valid clicks on cost-per-click (CPC) ads and valid impressions on cost-per-thousand-impression (CPM) ads. Earning using CPC ads is when Publisher’s users click on the ads. Earning using CPM ads is when every time the ad appears to a user viewing publisher’s website. They are many languages supported by AdSense. AdSense for search is available in Indonesian and Vietnamese too, but these languages not suppoted for AdSense for contents pages. Using more AdSense products will increase potential earnings. Publishers can see their earnings at any time by signing in and viewing their reports.

Sources Link:
Google.com, [online], 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The power of Google Translator in Google Technology

Link to us: http://sn.im/google-translator-power
An online dictionary on Google Technology is called Google Translator. Now Google Translator become a valuable tool for translation services, it is free especially for all the users. When the Google Translate was initially launch, people taught that Google Translator would present stiff competition for the other online translate service, but the centre provides advanced and useful software that can translate and cut down the time spent on translation by the companies. Google's Translator almost as complete as a multilingual web system. Google Translator support up to 51 language(such as:Arabic, Chinese(simplified), Chinese(traditional), English, Hindi, Spanish...)which is lot compare to other translators provided by many developer. Google Translator will not only translation the localization resources, it is also translate the data into local language, which is the important considerable point for choosing Google Translate over localization solution provided by asp.net web application. Google Translation Centre use Google Translators to do draft and translation that enable user's input language, sense and meaning to be checked. Google Translator like other automatic translation tools, has its own limitation. While some of the foreign text does not always deliver the accurate translation. Some language produce is better then the results. On 2010, the length of the text to be translated becomes shorter and more better then before. This effect is particularly evident in Chinese to English translations.

Google Translation methodology
Google Translator does not apply grammatical rules, since its algorithms are based on the statical analysis. In 2003, Google Translate is based on a research by Franz-Josef Oce that who won the DARPA contest for the speed machine translation and is known as a statistical machine translation. Franz-Josef Oce said that Google Translate is a solid based for the developing a usable statistical machine translation system for the languages from scratch, would consist in having a bilingual text corpus of more than million and two monolingual corpora. Google used United Nations document for acquire the huge amount of the linguistic data.

source :
Ezine , [online], February 10 2009
Discoverly Media, [online], 2010