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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What do you think about Google targeted search result compared to other search engine?

 Link to us : http://sn.im/analysispoll
The poll topic for today is - (What do you think about Google targeted search result compared to other search engine?). In this post, we will discuss more about targeted search result of Google compare to other popular search engine which is the same version as Google search engine (Web 2.0). Targeted search result means a result which display only the specific keyword entered by the users by removing those unwanted/irrelevant search result. Below is and image of the poll result we have collected since last week.
Link to image: Analysis(image)

Our poll question: What do you think about Google targeted search result compared to other search engine?
A) Relevant - 61% (37 out of 61 votes)
B) Accurate - 25% (15 out of 61 votes)
C) Well-organize interface - 2% (1 our of 61 votes)
D) Detail - 13% (8 out of 61 votes)

First i would like to give thousand appreciation to the voters for spending their time to read and vote for our polls. This week, we have received quite a large amount of votes - 61 votes!! To make a targeted search (also known as close-ended searching methods) , you can choose from an option beside Google search box - (advance search) to start typing for the keyword and the exact word or phrase so that the result will show only the desire search result. A user may also choose from using boolean connectors such as (AND, OR, NOT and quotation) or mathematical operators ( + , -) to search for a specific keyword.

Many of us agree with the answer - "relevant" which is the most, 61% of the total votes. This is because when a keyword is entered, using advance search or boolean and mathematical operator, Google will send their "spiderings" to search for the result and then the result are than filtered/refined by the specific keyword/phrase using targeted method entered by user to show only the best and relevant article related to the keyword. The page ranking displayed will be determined by using Page-rank technology.

25% of the voters choose accurate for the poll. However, i'm not truly agree with this point - "accurate'.As we can see, although the result shown by Google search engine may be relevant, it will still display some unnecessary result because we can't filter all non-specific pages. Google uses automated "spidering" to search for the most exact result unlike the human search engine which uses human being to search manually for the result. Hence, the page cannot be as accurate as what a user is searching for.

Another 2% goes to "Well-organize interface", which is a point i strongly disagree with. Unlike other search engine, such as "Ask.com", "Dogpile" and many more which has other interface function either on the right hand side or top of the page such as recommended search result, best search result and related result of the keyword. Google on the other hand only display the search result and rank which one will be on the top (sometimes sponsored link). However  Google does have a user-friendly interface because the background and the function is simple, handy and easy to use. There's also a total of 13% vote for "detail". Search result by Google search engine is quite detail, and it cover the scope of the result given.

Is there any other doubt on my analysis of this poll? Or anyone have a different opinion from what i have said, kindly voice up in the comment box.


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